Raw dog food, all-natural nutritional supplements and healthy treats to meet even the most unique canine needs.
ProDog Raw are a leading raw dog food brand in the UK, and as canine nutrition experts provide premium quality, affordable raw dog food and all-natural superfood supplements, all designed to provide exceptional nutrition and well-being for dogs.
The popularity of raw dog food is rapidly increasing, and our customers consistently report their satisfaction with the switch from processed foods. Raw feeding creates loyal customers who value the benefits it brings to their pets.
Now is the perfect time to join us!
ProDog Raw's food and supplements are expertly formulated to optimise condition and performance of dogs. We firmly believe that nutrition is the foundation of a dog's vitality and health, and our products are packed with the highest quality essential nutrients.
With a diverse range, we're confident we cater to every dog's unique needs. We source fresh, human-quality proteins from DEFRA-approved and British Farm-certified sources, ensuring top-notch ingredients in all our formulas. No fillers, chemical substitutes, or harmful additives exist in any of our products—just species-appropriate and dog-friendly nutrition.
Our range of dietary support supplements are made with the best quality, all-natural ingredients and are expertly formulated to target nine areas of canine health.
As a ProDog Raw retailer, you'll enjoy various benefits and support, including competitive pricing structures, eye-catching branding and point-of-sale materials, staff training, and access to our experts in canine nutrition. We continuously innovate our product range based on customer feedback, offering one of the most extensive and highly-rated selections of raw dog food and supplements.
If you're interested in becoming a ProDog Raw retailer, simply fill out our online form, and one of our dedicated trade team members will contact you.
Be part of The ProDog Difference.